Manila, Davao, The Philippines, 2023
To honor the 129th anniversary of the Japanese settlement in Davao and 50 years of friendship between ASEAN and Japan, three performers, Ichirin, Kappa, and Panda were invited to perform in Manila and Davao. They performed at two universities in Manila, two hotel banquet halls in Davao, and the Residence of the Ambassador of Japan in Manila. Their rakugo stories were well-received by a diverse audience, including young children and adults who appreciated every small detail, making the experience unforgettable.

鹿鳴家 一輪 Kanariya Ichirin
鹿鳴家 河童 Kanariya Kappa
鹿鳴家 ぱんだ Kanariya Panda
November 23, 2023
November 25, 2023
November 26, 2023
November 27, 2023
November 28, 2023
University of the Philippines, Manila
The 120th anniversary of Japanese Migration to Davao
@MKD, Davao
Acacia Hotel, Davao
The Residence of the Ambassador of Japan in Manila
De La Salle University, Manila
