New York, U.S. 2017
With the help of Nozomi Terao and Julie Azuma, who are active in service activities in New York, we performed at four locations. In addition to performances, the United Nations International School , we also held rakugo seminars for teenagers. The performance at the Opera House was for charity and we gained the experience of being able to make such social contributions through rakugo.
鹿鳴家英楽 Kanriya Eiraku
鹿鳴家七味 Kanariya Shichimi
鹿鳴家一輪 Kanariya Ichirin
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
ニューヨーク United Nations International School (UNIS)
ニューヨーク オペラハウス(Msterio)
ニューヨーク JAJA(Japanese-Americans, Japanese in America)
ニューヨーク 日系人会