10. ケチな男
Stingy Guy
Rakugo in English
English Rakugo Short Stories
by Kanariya Eiraku

Japanese translation
S: 800円になります。
C: そちらの鰻を食べていませんが。
S: ええ、でも匂いで鰻を食べた気になったでしょう。 それに対して支払ってください。
C: そうですか。

A stingy guy was standing in front of an eel restaurant.
He was eating rice while smelling the broiling eels.
The shopkeeper didn’t like his stinginess and gave him a bill.
S: That’s 800 yen, sir.
C: I didn’t eat your eel.
S: No, but the smell gave you the feeling of eating an eel. You should pay for it.
C: I see.
If such is the case, listen to the sound of the coins and think you have taken the money.
‘Clink, clink.’

stingy ケチな(形 容詞)
eel うなぎ
broil (直火で)焼く
stinginess ケチ(名詞)
bill 請求書
ケチもよく小噺の対象になります。 最後は仕草落ちです。