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18. 親切な言葉
Kind Wrod
Rakugo in English
English Rakugo Short Stories
by Kanariya Eiraku
Japanese translation
M: スープをいただけますか。それと何か親切な言葉を。
W: どうぞ。
M: ありがとう。それ で、親切な言葉は?
W: (小声で)もし私がお客さんだったら、このスープは飲みません。
A poor, hungry man walked into a restaurant and gave his order to the waitress.
M: I would like some soup...and a few kind words.
In a few minutes, the waitress was back with a bowl of soup.
W: Here you are, sir.
M: Thank you. And what about your kind words?
W: (whispering) If I were you, I wouldn’t eat the soup.
in a few minutes 数分たったら。時間の経過を表すinの使い方を覚えよう。
If I were you, I wouldn't eat the soup.は仮定法。
主節にwould(あるいはcould, might, should)という仮定法助動詞を入れます。
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