59. 粗忽の殿様
Careless Load
Rakugo in English
English Rakugo Short Stories
by Kanariya Eiraku
Japanese translation
三太夫: お殿様、書状でございます。
殿様: 何と書いてある。
三太夫: 残念でございますが、殿の姉上様がご死去あそばされたと。
殿様: 何と。姉上が亡くなったと。可哀そうな奴じゃ。
三太夫: 失念いたしましたので、今一度書状を拝見したします。(書状を読む)
殿様: 何!そのような取り違えをしでかす奴があるか。切腹いたせ。
殿様: 三太夫、切腹にはおよばん。考えてみたら、余に姉はなかった。
The lord is talking with his man, Sandayu.
S: Lord, here’s a letter for you.
L: What does it say?
S: I’m very sorry but your sister died.
L: What! Did she die? Oh, I feel sorry for her.
When did she die?
S: I don’t remember. Let me read the letter again. (He reads the letter.)
Oh, it’s not your sister but it’s my sister who died last week.
L: What! How can you make such a terrible mistake? You must commit suicide.
Sandayu had no other choice but to follow his master’s order.
Just when he was trying to cut his belly with his sword, the lord stopped him.
L: Sandayu, you don’t have to kill yourself. Come to think of it, I don’t have any sister!
落語「松曳き」の触りです 。
His manで殿の家来。家来はvassalが近いですが、ここでは簡単な言葉を用いています。
It’s not your sister but it’s my sister who died last week.は、It~whoの強調構文です。