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Rakugo in English
English Rakugo Short Stories
by Kanariya Eiraku

89. 長嶋茂雄のエピソード(3)

An Episode of Shigeo Nagashima (3)

89. 長嶋茂雄のエピソード(3)

An Episode of Shigeo Nagashima (3)


Shigeo Nagashima was one of the most popular baseball players in Japan. 

He was known for his carelessness. His nickname is Mister.

A:           Mister, may I ask you a question about English?

Mister:    Yes, go ahead.

A:           What is the past tense of ‘I live in Tokyo’?

Mister:    The past tense of ‘I live in Tokyo’? Oh, that’s easy.

              The past tense of ‘I live in Tokyo’ is ‘I live in Edo’.

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